Reason 3.0 - Orkester Sound Bank? - reason 3 sound bank
I click on the Reason Orkester bank or through the browser icons of reason and the records for Strings, Percussion, etc. appear, but they are empty.
I have tried to install again.
Any idea what could be the problem?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Reason 3 Sound Bank Reason 3.0 - Orkester Sound Bank?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Audiostrider 800 Power How Far Must You Go On The Distance For A Audiostrider 800, To Reach A Mile?
How far must you go on the distance for a audiostrider 800, to reach a mile? - audiostrider 800 power
Mile, no matter what I
Friday, February 19, 2010
How Many Parts Does A Car Has Car Paint Help! How Can You Tell How Many Times And How Recently A Part Of A Car Has Been Painted?
Car paint help! How can you tell how many times and how recently a part of a car has been painted? - how many parts does a car has
Help paint a car! How do you know how often and how long a part of the car was painted?
A body shop that worked on my car took off my jacket and realized that they are trying to say that it was for a painting before it was finished (I had to paint the car for 5 years without a job!) Coated Flat Out and I need a way to prove that the transparent layer is removed, while the noose "around the windows, with its own transparent layer, and that the band started. J 'I've had this car for 5 years without peeling everywhere and suddenly I am now 2 million pieces of notes are missing on the side of my car, they worked on ..... it's painting a laboratory or a company, I can take them for analysis? "I've heard it's a machine say, may how oftenCar was painted ... Please help!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Configuring A Netgear Dg934g How Do I Configure My Old Wireless Router To Work With My New Sky Broadband? (Or Tips On Better Wifi Signal)?
How do I configure my old wireless router to work with my new Sky broadband? (Or tips on better wifi signal)? - configuring a netgear dg934g
Hey guys,
I moved recently broadband provider from Virgin to Sky.
When I connected through the Virgin - I had joined a small box-6VGUKS Broadband Router Netgear WGR614. It worked perfectly around the house and in my office at the end of my garden.
We have spent more than Sky. We sent a Netgear DG934G - 1SKUKS in a box broadband router that connects to the telephone line. The box is small and gray / black and looks like a box of old and unusual Sky arial in it.
I) put everything (except my old router and it took a test ... and if I did, I found that I am only 20% of Wi-Fi signal at home (works well) was a cable on mainframe that I can only get better sitting next to the WH router --I'm not perfect, of course!
We had the idea to the wireless router to the broadband era, get in touch. In between, I did it by using a broadband router and the mainframe.
I did everything, and it worked great for about 10 minutes. Then remove the radio from the rolls of the network, and we could not connect (Sky is still displayed - and not just the old wireless).
I had a good amount of digging around and say most people, it is impossible to establish a wireless router with Sky Broadband other use. If this is the case - how come I have to work the first time?
Can anyone answer? Is there a way you can use a wireless router, configure the garbage deal Sky One?
If not - What is the answer to incFi repurposed force? I looked briefly Fi signal, but everyone seems to replace that Arial does not exist in our box to broadband.
Please help - this is spoiling my day job! Lol:)
Thank you in advance.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Facwbook How To Hide Th Wall Can I Check Out Profile ( Not Message Or Anything Just Have A Look) On Facwbook Widout Having A Account Dere?
Can i check out profile ( not message or anything just have a look) on facwbook widout having a account dere? - facwbook how to hide th wall
If so ..... how ??????
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Why Do Escorts Shave Why Did My Dermatologist Make Sexual Advances At Me?
Why did my dermatologist make sexual advances at me? - why do escorts shave
Especially in the 25th and hes over 55, I've been going since he was 15 he Age, HES always been a great professional dermatologist .. I told him I was always interested in breast implants and if someone says he recommended: "I have all my guards to go to the doctor about this, I beg your pardon," he said, "I have used escorts want bigger breasts, and I will send them to the doctor that I "
Then he said to me, and has beautiful breasts, not large, such as grapefruit, but its Nice.
He also told me at 25 and reached a middle-aged, and I'm too old and I'm glad i dont like weight 115 pounds I think in a 130 pounds, I had to write my weight and I'm 115th
I was very impressed and blame them for breast implants to ask, perhaps, bethrough my fault, it has me a bimbo?
Why would a doctor should be gone since I was 15 there?
Long ago, he asked me if I shaved, because he was a hernia that had had to be removed, I thought it was a strange question, but this provision.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Application Letter For Sale Position English Homework. Formal Letter?
English homework. Formal letter? - application letter for sale position
I must write a letter for homework in English.
is an example of the implementation of the letter.
GARAGE Cleary.
- Position of part-time saleswoman.
- 2 nights per week, plus Sunday
- Could accommodate students
- Experience required
So I wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am writing in response to your post, I live in
I am sixteen years old and I go to school Sacred Heart.
I have experience in this field. I had a summer job last summer as a sales assistant.
I think I'm suited for this position because I am punctual, reliable and hardworking.
I have an interview at your disposal. I can give character references, if necessary.
IsOkay? Tehran is that nothing can be added?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Dubai Sport Tv Live Do These Pros And Cons Sound Good? (for Moving)?
Do these pros and cons sound good? (for moving)? - dubai sport tv live
I have the choice to move to Dubai or to remain in England for my A-levels, which the right of the advantages and disadvantages? or good?
good experience
come and live with Dad (he lives there at the time)
better schools, good facilities
Hot Weather
Experience culture
More Sports and Leisure (I want to do something in the sport of running to)
learn new things about the country, culture and language?
DG provides cv
PPL meet again
better communication with sports, etc., PPL
or Contra:
, the family and m8s (can not be so bad M8s)
can not drive, and 18/19?
expensive to live
lol bad TV
Environmentaly not friendly
NHS not
All others, I should have? whatDo you?
Sorry its long
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Veranda Beach Club Longboat Key I Am Staying At The Veranda Beach Club In Longboat Key, Florida - Does Anyone Know If Unit 102 Is Beach Front?
I am staying at the Veranda Beach Club in Longboat Key, Florida - does anyone know if unit 102 is beach front? - veranda beach club longboat key
Hello, you can not with certainty in the 's say that you can send them an email! ... ...
Best regards pops ..
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Best Straightener In The World Where Can I Find Hair Straightener That Can Be Used Anywhere In The World?
Where can I find hair straightener that can be used anywhere in the world? - the best straightener in the world
Iron, the hair in the world can be used?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hypethyroidism More Condition_symptoms Hypethyroidism Question?
Hypethyroidism question? - hypethyroidism more condition_symptoms
I am 24 years old and diagnosed with thyroid disease has recently been launched in the course of 4-6 weeks with a drug called Tapazole. I started like 3 weeks ago. How long does it take for symptoms to take to fix it? Insomnia and frequent sweating. So when I see in a month, my MD recommended Radioactive suitable and have him on the planning for the removal as it says that it relaspe a higher rate among men of this disease by taking medication Tapazole. Should I opt for this and for how long my symptoms are gone? I am sad, tired all the time.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Scrabble Junior With Counters Mattel UK........Junior Scrabble Board Game......?
UK........Junior Scrabble board game......? - scrabble junior with counters mattel
I received an e-Bay (it should be complete), but not the letter "A" counters red or platform scorecard. I called Mattel and they sent me a letter "A" for free!, I bought some Red Buttons and use them as a counter, but still need a block of Scrabble Junior.
Do you have a game, and if so, could you send 1 leaf of the platform points card, so I can photocopy or, alternatively, scan it and send it to me pleeeaaassssee.
Thank you gang.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Decent Spotting Scope What Is A Decent Entry-level Spotting Scope For High Power Rifle Competition?
What is a decent entry-level spotting scope for high power rifle competition? - decent spotting scope
I went through the training of high performance current CMP this weekend. I loved, but I was a little intimidated by the cost. In addition to firearms would, obviously the scope of the spots will be the highest cost. It would probably be shooting mostly 2-300 meters, maybe sometimes 600 meters, with an AR. What is good to start? Certainly not need those big-scopes were these guys?
Thank you!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Canada Maple Leaf Card Mexico Cruise Require A Visa Is There A Way To Apply For A Study Visa To Canada Fast?
Is there a way to apply for a study visa to Canada fast? - canada maple leaf card mexico cruise require a visa
I am going to study in September in Canada and received the acceptance letter, the problem is that it takes at least 4 weeks in order to apply for a student visa, and sometimes 16 weeks!
I used to live in Canada as permanent residents, but I am not a citizen, I am not yet 18 years old and my parents never lived long enough to obtain citizenship. Is there a way for me back to Canada when we were there for 4 years and havent got the Maple Leaf card? I do not want to apply for a student visa if there are other possibilities. thank you guys
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Baby Naming Do You Congratulate Why Are People So Stupid/ignorant?
Why are people so stupid/ignorant? - baby naming do you congratulate
The young girl named Mandy in their pregnancy baby names there and everyone says "Congratulations". Click on their profile and say .. shes 15 and pregnant. So I say do not tolerate teen pregnancy, so I'm not going to congratulate her. And it freezes.
Aye ridiculous?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sparkling Water With Meal Birth Control Pill Called Yasmin. Please Help!?
Birth control pill called Yasmin. Please help!? - sparkling water with meal
I started the pill Yasmin for less than a week and I feel very bad stomach all the time. I did not vomit or anything, but I feel bad, sometimes pain and do not feel lke no food and bottled water must from time to time make themselves feel better. But that does not occur until several hours after taking the pill. I wonder if this is normal and if I have another long night, for example (I took the morning or at noon, and when I done with or without food and one of those things better. I do not want time to stop or re - ! symphtoms Find disappear with time or worse? Thanks!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Replacement Bike Stickers Where Can I Find Replacement Stickers For A Bicycle?
Where can i find replacement stickers for a bicycle? - replacement bike stickers
AMX Lowrider I bought a 2007 and a month later, someone has stolen it. I found a week later, but when I saw the bike was gone and stickers couldnt believe it was my first bike, but it has the same zero when I bought it, I thought as I washed before it is stolen. anyway the bike looked better with adhesives
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Household Things To Masterbate With Fo Men Please Answer Now!?
Please answer now!? - household things to masterbate with fo men
What common household can also be used with urself u masterbate?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How Long Does Shoulder Pain After Laparoscopic Surgery Last How Long Does Shoulder Pain Last After Laparoscopic Surgery?
How long does shoulder pain last after laparoscopic surgery? - how long does shoulder pain after laparoscopic surgery last
I had an ectopic pregnancy yesterday, and the worst pain I feel a pain in the shoulder used in intra-abdominal gas in order to steal the abdomen during the operation. If someone laparoscopic surgery had postoperative pain in the shoulder, how long will it last?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Top Gun Flight Simulator Kitchener On Is Top Gun For The NES Any Good?
Is Top Gun for the NES any good? - top gun flight simulator kitchener on
I saw the Angry Video Game Nerd Video from "Top Gun". Im a big time collector of NES, which is like a flight simulator game will be. Where to buy? I do not know matter how sucky it is ...
Monday, February 1, 2010
How Often Does Cervical Mucus Occur What Are The Cervical Mucus Changes During Pregnancy??
What are the cervical mucus changes during pregnancy?? - how often does cervical mucus occur
I wonder how the change of CM in early pregnancy ... I was about 3 days in CM cream really feel like AF is down .. and the last 2 days I had some very mild menstrual like cramps that fair and very fast and never signs up to the day of the FA, I do not know how many hours I SPR. BD'n but I often I think I am .... O'ed wonder if I could be prego .. I said yesterday and what I believe to be false or simply evap + i hear this brand rather false + evap and I think it comes after the timeout correctly .. The wait to test again in a week if AF does not appear ..
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sharking Xxx I Have This Weird Dream!! Help Xxx?
I have this weird dream!! help xxx? - sharking xxx
especially in the night I had this dream, I went into my swimming pool and there were no sharks in the water and EVERY1 Elce was calm, but I was soo hated anxiety and fear.
(They were ment to be there)
Then last night I had a dream that would be my classes at school, I go for a trip to the sea and became a thingg we had to do.
Coz It was strange, but we were going to do a small cliff near the water and no sharks Coz I hairdressin sea at the university, until we were outside on such samples Pikin Street.
then at the end of all teachers said we should give Walmer clear blue sea, and I remember that 1 the network, and even tho i do not see any sharks, but I am afraid that they were there and I can not remember to stay int the water and the teacher yelled at me Coz I couldnt stay she had to leave the EBV IE was afraid that it be had used as Goig sharks.and from remerb i tot will swim closer to the surface of the water as he could, and try to keep my feet from the water ..
Why I'm havin dreams about sharks
You might think I'm crazy, but its soo weird
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Naturist How Do I Tell My Parents That I Want To Be A Naturist?
How do I tell my parents that I want to be a naturist? - naturist
I am 13 years old and I was only naked in my house several times, but I can not imagine a way to tell my parents. They are not and never naked. So, as you say that without it, Flipping Out?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Grown Men Pee The Bed How Much Should A Cat Pee At One Time?
How much should a cat pee at one time? - grown men pee the bed
I have a cat who has never peed anywhere else, then l table that night I slept in my bed and woke up with it sat on my hip every pee, or was passing urine? He urinated for at least a minute and a half or more. I've been sleeping when it happened, and I do not believe that something had happened. Pipi, or what I have lived my blanket, bedding, and my duvet on the mattress ... has an unusual amount of urine, which seems to be a cat. the stain was yellow, the smell of urine, but urination was as much as adult males are produced in one night after taking a pack of 12 ... Then the cat lovers, veterinarians, or any other please enlighten me!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Example Dental Hygiene Cover Letter Dental Hygiene, How To Gain A Raise And How That Works?
Dental Hygiene, how to gain a raise and how that works? - example dental hygiene cover letter
I work at a dental hygienist and I am curious as to how salary increases in the activity to your advantage. For example, when working as a server and you try to do too, that the place of the inventory work, the length of the minimal loss has helped also to keep the ads that you created in order to obtain, would people and perhaps the time to clear in and out of that sheet has never been late, always and always arrive early and leave late. That's what a performance when I'm looking for a raise. What would you do in the field of oral hygiene?
What could dental hygiene for a raise? Did you raise? What proportion to the increase (of) we expect? Is there some kind of commission?
I think the starting salary is already high, but of course varies from one place to another and, of course, most people always try a little more if they can.
If you already have experience in the situation on the ground, and I would be very happy to hear you. Thank you!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Selling A Trailer In Ontario What Would Be The Best Way Of Selling A Mobile Home In A Trailer Park In Upsala, Ontario, Canada?
What would be the best way of selling a mobile home in a trailer park in Upsala, Ontario, Canada? - selling a trailer in ontario
My parents had to sell, but they no longer live. Are there ads? What is the success of eBay and Craigslist for something?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Canadian Preparation H For Puffy Eyes Kind Of Preparation H For Your Puffy Eyes?
Kind of preparation h for your puffy eyes? - canadian preparation h for puffy eyes
Does it really matter whether you buy the American or Canadian version?
are both an important contribution to reduce the swelling?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Splenda With Thrush Is It Okay To Use Splenda, If The Peraon Has Thrush?
Is it okay to use splenda, if the peraon has thrush? - splenda with thrush
As with low-fat natural yoghurt, because I know that is the normal blood sugar level is not good
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Problems With Matsui Tv/dvd My MATSUI Type Tv Gets Only One Vhf Channel &it Loses Colour In UHF ,Where Is The Problem ? Please Help!?
My MATSUI type Tv Gets only one Vhf channel &it loses colour in UHF ,Where is the problem ? Please help!? - problems with matsui tv/dvd
One thing that you lose miss on TV in May UHF and VHF signals color .....
It's your tuner .....
In the U.S., the cost of 60-80 U.S. dollars tuner ..... May 45 to 75 pounds to "across the pond"
Good luck and be given a specialist to verify that ..... Tariff value of diagnosis with certainty.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Snowmobile Clutch Kits How Do I Improve The Aceleration Of My Snowmobile?
How do i improve the aceleration of my snowmobile? - snowmobile clutch kits
I have a 1994 500 indy Polarism EFI is very fast, but not raise before God, I have a clutch kit to adjust the limiter strap and put spikes on what can I do?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Auto Immune Disease More Condition_symptoms Chances Of Getting Another Auto Immune Disease?
Chances of getting Another auto immune disease? - auto immune disease more condition_symptoms
I have the hiccups autoimmune thyroid disease. Is it possible for me to another autoimmune disease?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Worldwide Sim Card Is It True That It Is Possible To Send Free Sms Messages Worldwide On The O2 Web Site By A Registration?
Is it true that it is possible to send free sms messages worldwide on the O2 web site by a registration? - worldwide sim card
I want to buy an O2 SIM card to send worldwide free text on its website. Someone told me, but I'm not sure if it actually possible. I am interested in sending text messages abroad ... Who knows, if possible?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ural Repair Manual Where Can I Download Ural Motorcycle Repair Manual?
Where can I download Ural motorcycle repair manual? - ural repair manual
1999 Tourism
Monday, January 18, 2010
Pictures Of Mens Belly Button Tattoos Is There A Site That Shows Pictures Of Mens Genitals?
Is there a site that shows pictures of mens genitals? - pictures of mens belly button tattoos
I am sure I am. Do you have a website?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Feline Distemper Vaccine Can A Kitten Get Feline Distemper More Then Once?
Can a Kitten get feline distemper more then once? - feline distemper vaccine
We have a cat, she will run, she got her shots and feline distemper shots. A week ago, somehow the cat disease, we have no idea how. But fortunately, the vet after he survived for 5 days / evenings. The question now is, it can again? Since the virus is probably still in our house. If they can get, so that the vaccine is still good, although only rid of him, and recovered. That's what my vet said, but I just wanted to be sure.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Cb Radio Amplifiers How Do I Use The Side Band Settings On My Cb Radio And What Are The Benifits, And Should I Considder A Linear?
How do I use the side band settings on my cb radio and what are the benifits, and should I considder a linear? - cb radio amplifiers
I know a new side band radio and refined a series of duels firestik but not really how it is used in addition to the interviews with truck drivers on the road. What are the advantages of the lower and upper band and the many problems in adding a linear amplifier on your radio? What are the advantages of it? And last but not least, how can I go for the sound of the radio?
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hoyt Crossbow Which Bow Should I Chose, Hoyt Or Fred Bear?
Which bow should I chose, Hoyt or Fred Bear? - hoyt crossbow
I have a ZR200 Magnatech Hoyt. My father is always a crossbow, and give me your age. It's a Fred Bear TRX (Vision white glue). Both are in good shape, I am sure that I choose not to use or sell.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Old Naturist Can Naturist Life Style Make Young People Become Exhibitionists?
Can naturist life style make young people become exhibitionists? - old naturist
My sister is an avid naturalist, never wear clothes at home, and often go to beaches and villages with their twin daughters 10 years of naturism. I see nothing wrong with the nudist lifestyle, but a point that worries me is that his two young girls seem to become exhibitionists.
For example, in the summer, we invited a large group of friends to our house and my nieces spent the day sunbathing by the pool and run around naked for all to see, including age boys a little more. The girls were ashamed to be seen naked, and seemed not to care about everything about the big picture. Several times I have about the situation with my sister, but she just said everything was ok and if their daughters wanted to be nude in public is anybody's business.
I think my nieces are always exhibitionists and showing pleasure. Should I worry or just relax?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Brain Illness Do You Think Transsexualism Is Caused By A Female Brain In A Male Body Or Vice Verse Or Mental Illness?
Do you think transsexualism is caused by a female brain in a male body or vice verse or mental illness? - brain illness
After this it felt, I think I personally am a man with a female brain, but would be interesting to people's opinions
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How To Make My Pubes Softer How Can I Make My Own Pure Essential Oils?
How can i make my own pure essential oils? - how to make my pubes softer
I make my own pure essential oils and it is important to keep all the goodies in my company to essential oils.
How could this happen?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Cool Construction Staying Cool As An Indoor Construction Worker?
Staying cool as an indoor construction worker? - cool construction
My friend is a sheet metal worker. She works in a metal warehouse. Lately, the outside temperature is higher in the F 90 () 's. Inside, the winery is 115 (F) or warmer. Is required to work long pants, shoes, shirts, gloves and safety glasses. Currently, drink cold water. It's getting a headache and rash in the heat. What can you do to stay cool? Help with headaches, prevent an outbreak? Suggestions would be helpful
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Play Pokemon Red Os X Which Gameboy Emulator Is The Best For New Mac OS?
Which gameboy emulator is the best for new mac OS? - play pokemon red os x
I downloaded both Visual Boy Advance and Boycott Advance, and have had problems with both. I'm playing Pokemon Red and both were not properly registered, and still freezing when I hit the first clinic of the Pokémon can never come inside.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Renew Ohio License In Different County Can I Renew My Ohio Driver's License From Out Of State?
Can I renew my Ohio driver's license from out of state? - renew ohio license in different county
I now live in Illinois, Ohio, but will return in 3 months. I still have my driver's license, Ohio, and ends in 3 weeks. I think the easiest thing to do would be to extend the Ohio one, rather than an IT book. I wonder if I do go without in Ohio, then.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pcmcia Compact Flash Reader Will Using Compact Flash Memory In The Pcmcia Interface In My Laptop Speed Up The Machine? Cant Find New Ram.?
Will using compact flash memory in the pcmcia interface in my laptop speed up the machine? cant find new ram.? - pcmcia compact flash reader
If you have a Compact Flash Wil it faster than the hard drive as virtual memory. I have tried to buy some RAM, but how expensive, as I have an old machine.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Infant Hair Clips How Do We Keep Our 7 Month Infant Girls Hair From Failing Into Her Eyes.?
How do we keep our 7 month infant girls hair from failing into her eyes.? - infant hair clips
We have tried the little hair clips and relationships, but she wants to swallow
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Jenna Jameson Howard Tv Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, Or Jenna Jameson Who Does It For You And Why???
Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, or Jenna Jameson who does it for you and why??? - jenna jameson howard tv
I do not know and have no real intreest your answer do a few things ... that is all
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Workshop Storage Where Can I Find Plans For Building A Small Horse/tractor Storage Barn?
Where can I find plans for building a small horse/tractor storage barn? - workshop storage
A 2-Stables Tack area Witha barn loft and space for a workshop and storage Tractors
Monday, January 4, 2010
Swirl Freeze Freezable Dessert Cakes?
Freezable dessert cakes? - swirl freeze
I am looking for a cake, the frozen lemon, chocolate, swirl, nothing!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Healthy Cat Weight Is It Safe To Feed A HEALTHY Cat Special Renal Diet Food?
Is it safe to feed a HEALTHY cat Special Renal Diet food? - healthy cat weight
One of my cats have kidney failure and was in the hills of the prescription K / D diet Kitty ...
The other cat .... 100% healthy fats and is in no way odd kidney bananas for these things
Eating foods, such as kidney and Kitty wants to eat, so what on the plate ...
What is so wrong in the recovery of renal diet?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Brooks Training Shoes Can I Bring My Own Shoes To Navy Basic Training?
Can I bring my own shoes to Navy Basic training? - brooks training shoes
I know that the problem of a pair of running shoes, but I have a foot in goofy looking. In fact, the members looked at me more than anyone else over the duck and they ask if it hurts, but nothing bad. It hurts to walk in shoes. Brooks Trance 8s I had $ 140 and they are perfect.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Kappa Casein Kappa-Casein Protein Name Origin?
Kappa-Casein Protein Name Origin? - kappa casein
What does the Kappa Kappa-casein (k-casein) proteins? I know it only a Greek letter, but why do we speak of Kappa and how?